24 November 2009
06 November 2009
Oh woman! (sounds bizarre eh? well being a true feminist here ;) why should it always be oh man! ) (I'm sure my hubby would be smiling reading along...), it's been quite long since I’ve been able to write a new entry. Ideas for a dozen new entries have been wriggling and impinging their way through the daily crowd of other thoughts vying for person hood in my mind, but until now they’ve been out-shouted by the mental workers in charge of the mundane details of life.
I’ve got a lot of catching up to do. Gotta figure out what I think about a number of things. I’ll get those entries done hopefully in the next few days.
I’ve been hesitant to include quotes from others in this blog, even though I keep it all noted, I would rather strain to come up with my own brilliant arrangements of words. Kind of like a musician feels about playing cover songs versus their own music.
However, maybe that’s just arrogance.
So, in light of our recently passed first anniversary,(couple a months may i say!) here are some quotes (from the net of-course)
~Marriage- before it is anything else, an act of contemplation. It is a divine pondering, an exercise in amazement…for marriage, as simply as it can be defined, is the contemplation of the love of God in and through the form of another human being.”
~Two people who have dreamed for years about getting married and who think of themselves as hating to be alone, marriage still cannot help but come as an invasion of privacy. No one has ever married without being surprised, and usually alarmed, at the sheer intensity of this invasion.”
~Marriage- is an enormous source of human frustration that our need for intimacy far outstrips its capacity to be met in other people.
~The fact is that our natural tendency is to treat people as if they were not ‘others’ at all, but merely aspects of ourselves. We do not experience them as the overwhelming, comprehensive realities which we feel ourselves to be. Compared with us, they are not quite real. We see them as if through a haze, the haze of our own all-engulfing self-hood…
~"For truly to open our hearts to another person is to invite them into our own throne room and to set them down on our very own throne, on the seat normally warmed by no one but ourselves. And to do that is to have the throne, the seat of the ego, rocked right off its foundations. Love is an earthquake that relocates the center of the universe.”
~" How tiring and intrusive other people can be! They heap us with expectations, demands, responsibilities, and any sense of significance in our own lives runs the risk of being swallowed up among the sheer numbers, the impossible teeming billions of others in the world….Is it any wonder we seek some refuge from this insignificance, from the crushing pressure of relationships, from the armies of other beings who would trek like locusts through the verdant pastures of our innermost souls? The need for such a refuge can only be met by the deliberate yet subliminal fantasy that we are all alone in the universe. And so we walk with our head in the clouds, pass people on the street as if they were telephone poles, look them straight in the eye and hardly see them, and engage in conversations that are really only conversations with ourselves. Too often others are but the punctuation marks in the dry and windy monologues of our own self-centered existence.
This willful but unconscious dilution of the full reality of other people is at heart a dilution of the reality of God — a watering down, that is, of reality Himself. For people are the consciousness of God in the world, the closest thing to Him in the physical realm, and a more vivid reminder than anything else in creation of His existence, His mystery, and His creative power. If man really is fashioned more than anything else, in the image of God, then clearly it follows that there is nothing on earth so near to God as a human being. The conclusion is inescapable, that to be in the presence of even the meanest, lowest, most repulsive specimen of humanity…is still to be closer to God than when looking up into the starry sky or at a beautiful sunset.”
~“ everyone on earth bears a secret resentment toward everyone else, simply for being alive. We resent one another for revealing so accurately and so openly and so painfully the depth of our lovelessness.”
~“When the illegitimate self, the one that is founded upon human pride and illusion, comes up against the real thing, it cannot stand. It has found what it has itself been struggling to be, and so crumbles with shame, relief, joy, realization.
Love attacks and destroys pride, therefore, simply by eliminating the need for it…what use is there in asserting the self if the self is already loved, fully and unreservedly, and not because of but in spite of anything it might do?”
~"The tongue is a pen, which pressing deeply enough (and whether for good or for evil) will write upon the heart.”
~“A marriage is not a joining of two worlds, but an abandoning of two worlds in order that one new one might be formed.”
~“We would like to think of ourselves, perhaps, as having a great impact on the world, touching and influencing thousands of lives. How great is our frustration when we realize that we do not adequately touch even the one single life of the person closest to us!”
~“You cannot leave a marriage sitting in the driveway even for a day, because the only reason for marriage is togetherness. It is an alliance of love, and love is a spiritual vehicle, a rocket ship, that travels faster and farther than anything else under the sun. Get out of it for a moment, and it leaves you for parts unknown; let it idle, and it begins to rust; neglect it, and it seizes right up. It can be a full-time job just being a passenger in this thing. But like it or not, you and your spouse are in it together, and in it for life, and the work of traveling in marriage is the most vital work you can do.”
~“…He has planned, through marriage, for the demands of love to be made so concrete, so immediate and particular, so focused and intense as to become inescapable. It is His way of turning love into a ‘do-or-die’ situation…in the taking of vows, it is as if they have agreed to an actual ultimatum: love or else. This is a curious and frustrating and often excruciatingly painful trap to be in, but the plain fact is that if a couple do not love one another first, as they do themselves, then they cannot really love themselves or anyone else. But when they do love, that love becomes a fire which has the power to en-kindle all around them.”
~“…contrary to the assumption of many, Scripture was not given to be obeyed; rather, it was given that the Lord might be obeyed.”
~“In marriage it so happens that the Lord has devised a particularly gentle (but no less disciplined and effective) means for helping men and women to humble themselves, to surrender their errant wills. Even the closest of couples will inevitably find themselves engaged in a struggle of wills, for marriage is a wild, audacious attempt at an almost impossible degree of cooperation between two powerful centers of self-assertion. Marriage cannot help being a furnace of conflict, a crucible in which these two wills must be melted down and purified and made to conform. Most people do not realize that this is what they are signing up for when they get married…It cannot succeed without, first of all, a profound acceptance of the conditions of struggle, the state of personal seige, in which it must be lived out, and secondly, without an ever-growing realization that one’s own self cannot and must not emerge as the winner of this struggle.”
~“From one point of view, the whole of life may be seen as a taking away, as one long and painful series of subtractions. We are forever being called upon to pull up stakes, to release our hold upon the things and places and people we have loved, and even upon each precious second as it slips through our aging fingers. Our very bodies are like tents, says Paul, the most temporary of houses, and our whole existence under the sun bears the marks of exile and nomad-ism.”
~“Just as the man who loves God will almost certainly incur greater suffering in this world than the man who does not, so it is that a man who loves a woman may…open himself up to deeper levels of suffering than a man who will not commit himself to any love at all. For it is not in the nature of love to deflect pain, but rather to absorb it, and to absorb greater and greater amounts of it.”
~“The person we love is inevitably a cross, as well as being a helper in the carrying of our own cross. Why must this be so? Simply because it is impossible to love anyone without seeing intimately into the tragedy of their lives, and everything that we see becomes a weight of grief in us. To love is not to view someone as being the most wonderful person in the world or to think of them as a saint. On the contrary, it may mean to see them as we must come to see ourselves, even as the ‘chief of sinners.’”
Vi Putnam~
~"The entire sum of existence is the magic of being needed by just one person. "
Michael Leunig
~"Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that."
~"Love is not blind -- it simply enables one to see things others fail to see."
of false paths, broken lanes and desolate byways
Is there no hope?
Can we find no pharaoh in-
the gloom to point
us back toward
But wait!
What's that
in the distance?
There amidst the dark-
and the sinister that surround us:
could it be the dim glow of a welcoming doorway?
It is! There is the prospect of warmth and solace here.
Who would have expected to find a citadel of light and cheer
surrounded by such an endless, boundless and depth-less sea of disorder...?
30 October 2009
eeee aaaa laaa laaa luuu
17 October 2009
A painful heart!
A deafening one
Gasping for breath,
Strewn across the bed
Wanting sleep, but not
Thoughts driving crazy
A once happy person??
And you wonder why
If only you could understand
If only you could see....
..........it through these eyes.......
07 October 2009
Zodiacs as per Sun sign
Zodiacs and Astrology Symbols
Zodiac | Symbol | Period | Keyword | Ruling Planet |
Aries | Ram | March 21-April 19 | I am | Mars |
Taurus | Bull | April 20 - May 20 | I have | Venus |
Gemini | Twins | May 21 - June 21 | I think | Mercury |
Cancer | Crab | June 22 - July 22 | I feel | Moon |
Leo | Lion | July 23 - Aug 22 | I will | Sun |
Virgo | Virgo | Aug 23 - Sept 22 | I serve | Mercury |
Libra | Balance | Sept 23 - Oct 22 | I discern | Venus |
Scorpio | Scorpion | Oct 23 - Nov 21 | I desire | Mars |
Sagittarius | Archer | Nov 22 - Dec 21 | I perceive | Jupiter |
Capricorn | Goat | Dec 22 - Jan 19 | I use | Saturn |
Aqaurius | Water Bearer | Jan 20 - Feb 18 | I know | Saturn |
Pisces | Fish | Feb 19 - March 20 | I believe | Jupiter |
Planets and their Symbolism's
Planet | Represents |
Sun | Individualization, Purpose, Will, Acquisitiveness. |
Moon | Awareness, Consciousness, Feeling. |
Mercury | Thinking, Mentality. |
Venus | Love, Beauty, Pleasure. |
Mars | Will, Desires, Initiative. |
Jupiter | Enthusiasm. Expansion. |
Saturn | Obligations. |
Uranus | Self-potency , Independence, Freedom, Rhythm. |
Neptune | Vision. |
Pluto | Obsession, Power. |
N.Node | Connecting, Unions. |
Elements of Zodiac Signs
Fiery Signs- Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
The element of Fire deals with Spirit and the Psychological Function of Intuition. It gives the native warmth, inspiration, excitement, enthusiasm, energy and willpower, ambition and a fiery nature. Their intensity, exuberance and energy levels tend to wear out most people. They can often deal with conditions of a volatile, intense and passionate nature with little wear and tear. Often they believe it's better to "burn out, than rust out. They are the cheer leaders of the Zodiac and their mottos are "go for it," and "just do it." |
Earthy Signs - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
The element of Earth deals with Material or Mundane concerns and the Psychological Function of Sensation. It gives the native a practical, sensual and earthy nature that is inclined and well suited to worldly affairs. They are generally grounded and prefer to be kept busy by working, and efficiently dispatching, accomplishing and succeeding in the affairs of everyday life. They possess good common sense, a strong material nature, and like to be efficient. Often miss the forest because of the trees. Prefer tangible evidence and the "bird in hand." |
Airy Signs - Gemini,Libra, Aquarius
The element of Air relates to Perception and the Psychological Function of Thinking and the Patterning, Ordering and quantifying of the thought or other perceptual data. The highly functioning Air Sign is affable, agreeable, charming, witty and is quick of mind and humor. The lists we make and the directions we follow all fall under the auspices of the Air Sign's gifts. Much more ready to discuss than do, they possess keen analytical skills and are a blessing to almost all they meet. They can become easily distracted and bored. Trouble follows them because many of them think "mind should rule supreme," while they discount other modes of functioning. Often sedantic and intellectual snobs. Air signs represent all the glyphs, books and signs ever made. This includes all of the arts. |
Watery Signs -Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
The water element rules the reproductive and lymphatic systems and body liquids—including blood, mucus and lymph. Water lubricates, flushes and cools the body. Water signs are exceptionally sensitive to their environment, particularly to fungi, bacteria and viruses. Health issues for water signs generally have a strong emotional component. Water sign people easily pick up negativity from others.They tend to brood on their health and imagine problems to be greater than they are. Their health problems tend to recur in cycles. |
Qualities of Zodiac Signs
Quality | Signs |
Cardinal | Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn |
Fixed | Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius |
Mutable | Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces |
Zodiac signs & symbols
House Relations
Zodiac Signs | Ruler | House | Exaltation | Fall | Enemy house |
ARIES | MARS | 1st House | CAPRICORN 28 | CANCER 28 | LIBRA |
TAURUS | VENUS | 2nd House | PISCES 27 | VIRGO 27 | SCORPIO |
LEO | SUN | 5th House | ARIES 19 | LIBRA 19 | AQUARIUS |
VIRGO | MERCURY | 6th House | VIRGO 15 | PISCES 15 | PISCES |
LIBRA | VENUS | 7th House | PISCES 27 | VIRGO 27 | ARIES |
CAPRICORN | SATURN | 10th House | LIBRA 21 | ARIES 21 | CANCER |
If comfort or betterment is desired in a relationship, it is more easily achieved with "similar" signs; yet one should be aware that the "differences" or "Opposite Signs" also add interest and excitement and the best opportunity for personal growth.
The six combination of opposite zodiac signs are:
- Aries which emphasizes personal interests, Libra which relies on shared interests;
- Taurus which focuses on physical stability, Scorpio upon emotional stability;
- Gemini emphasizes the search for knowledge, Sagittarius the quest for wisdom;
- Cancer structures the emotions, Capricorn the physical world;
- Leo believes in personal values, Aquarius promotes collective social values;
- Virgo practices physical self-sacrifice, Pisces declares emotional self-sacrifice.
There are four elements of signs. They are:
- Fiery signs - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
- Airy signs- Libra, Aquarius, Gemini
- Watery signs- Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
- Earthy signs- Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo
The opposite signs are:
- Fiery signs are not compatible with watery signs.
- Fiery signs are not compatible with earthy signs.
- Watery signs are not compatible with airy signs.
- Earthy signs are not compatible with airy signs.
Incompatibility Table of the Zodiac signs
Zodiac Sign | Disagreeable Signs(Opposite Signs) |
Aries | Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Pisces |
Taurus | Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Aries |
Gemini | Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn |
Cancer | Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Aquarius |
Leo | Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer |
Virgo | Libra, Leo, Aquarius, Aries |
Libra | Pisces, Taurus, Virog, Scorpio |
Scorpio | Aries, Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius |
Sagittarius | Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer |
Capricorn | Aquarius, Gemini, Leo, Virgo |
Aquarius | Cancer, Pisces, Capricorn, Virgo |
Pisces | Aries, Leo, Libra, Aquarius |
Zodiac Signs - Properties
Property | Aries | Taurus | Gemini |
Number | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Ruler | Mars | Earth | Mercury |
Force | motivations | ecology | concepts |
Aspect | conjunction | opposition | trine |
House | appearances | resources | connections |
Work | action | grounds | talks |
Body system | muscular system | ego | respiratory system |
Body parts | head | ears, neck throat | hands ,arms lungs |
Relativity | unites | polarizes | facilitates |
Effect | pivotal fusion | balanced | agreeable |
Style | assertive | aquisitive | versatile |
Politics | military | greens | intelligents |
Vices | chauvinism | greed | deception |
Weather | hot | stable | winds |
Motto | I am | I have | I think |
Zone | personal | financial | everyday |
Character | enterprising | aesthetic | skillful |
Minerals | iron | topsoil | mercury |
Gemstone | diamonds | emerald | moonstone |
Flower | daisy | valley lilly | rose |
Exercise | martial arts | nautilus | walking |
Scent | Dragon's Blood | Storax | Wormwood |
Color | red | green | two-tones |
music | Brass | Money sounds | Lyrics |
Property | Cancer | Leo | Virgo |
Number | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Ruler | Moon | Sun | Chiron |
Force | instincts | self-awareness | mentoring |
Aspect | square | quintile | sextile |
House | real estate | talent | ritual |
work | feels emotions | creates identity | teaches coaching |
Body system | autonomic nerves | circulatory system | mind/body connection |
Body parts | stomach, breasts | heart, back | intestines |
Relativity | manifestation | exposes talent | cooperates |
Effect | challenging | brilliant | lucky |
Style | emotional | dramatic | helpful |
Politics | people | elite | mavericks |
Vices | abusive | pride | sloth |
Weather | wet | dry | clement |
Motto | I feel | I create | I analyze |
Zone | domestic | playground | service |
character | familial | spontanious | sagacious |
Minerals | silver | gold | silicon |
Gemstone | pearl, ruby | peridot | sapphire |
Flower | water lily | poppy | aloe |
Exercise | swimming, rowing | aerobics | gardening |
Scent | Cleavage | Amber | Sage |
Colors | silver | purple | brown |
music | Slipping, Sucking | Drums | music critic |
Property | libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius |
Number | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Ruler | Venus | Pluto | Jupiter |
Force | affinity | cleansing | encouragement |
Aspect | septile | sesquisquare | novile |
Houses | relationships | merging | acedemic |
Work | attracts love | transformation | travels, learns |
Body system | genito-urinary system | atomic body | digestive system |
body parts | kidneys | secret parts | hips, thighs |
Relativity | does not confirm | focuses | muses with |
Effect | spirited | deliberate | ceremonial |
Style | thoughtful | intense | expansive |
Politics | diplomats | underworld | liberals |
Vices | vanity | wrath | gluttony |
Weather | pleasant | destructive | expands |
Motto | I balance | I seek insight | I seek freedom |
Zone | partnerships | taboo | international |
Character | interpersonal | resourseful | optimistic |
Minerals | copper | plutonium | tin |
Gemstone | opal | topaz | turquoise |
Flower | cosmos | yoni | narcissus |
Exercise | racket sports | ice skating | equestrian |
Scent | Sandalwood | Patchouli | Frankincense |
Colors | green | black , red | blue |
musical | Strings | Subliminal | Ethnic |
Property | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces |
Number | 10 | 11 | 12 |
Ruler | Saturn | Uranus | Neptune |
Force | decisions | liberation | fantasy |
Aspect | decile | undecile | semisextile |
Houses | ambitions | causes | oneness |
Work | powers | innovative | subtlety |
Body system | skeletal system | acupuncture meridians | aura body |
Body parts | bones, knees | ankles | feet |
Relativity | organizes | modifies | clarifies |
Effect | successful | insightful | nearby |
Style | determined | friendly | compassionate |
Politics | conservatives | radicals | socialists |
Vices | miserly | cruelty | indolence |
Weather | cold and dry | ice, tornadoes | fog floods |
Motto | I utilize | I know | I believe |
Zone | profesional | associations | twilight |
Character | pragmatic | extraordinary | ideological |
Minerals | lead | uranium | neptunium |
Gemstone | garnet | amethyst | aquamarine |
Flower | carnation | primrose | violet |
Exercise | climbing | group sport | swim, sail |
Scent | Musk | Coconut | Ambergris |
Colors | gray | blue, hot pink | sea green |
music | Structured | Off Beat, Synth | Ethereal |
Fire Signs : Aries / Leo / Sagittarius
Fire rules the function of internal combustion or digestion—the burning up or absorption of food. Fire also purifies the system by burning off toxins, viruses, bacteria and fungus. Fire signs easily fight disease. Their constitution naturally tends toward high temperatures.
Excess Fire
Fire signs, when unbalanced to excess or over stimulation, are prone to burning themselves out. Excess fire can be impatient and angry, or internalizes it into hypertension, heart problems, ulcers or inflammations. Excess fire is brought back into balance by foods that are cold, moist and heavy, or slow-burning foods that ground energy.
Take | Grains, root vegetables |
Avoid | Spicy food, red meat |
Remedy | herbs like chamomile, lemon balm, skull cap and valerian. |
Low Fire
When your fire is low, it may be hard to burn off or fight disease. Digestion and absorption of food are inadequate. Eat foods that are hot, light, dry and aromatic. Avoid cold foods.
Take | lemon, yogurt, bitter greens like kale, mustard. |
Avoid | dairy products, meat |
Remedy | digestive stimulants like cayenne, mustard, cloves, cinnamon,garlic, ginger. |
Air Signs: Gemini / Libra / Aquarius
Air rules the nervous and circulatory systems and the function of movement, peristalsis, urination and breathing. Air people are easily stimulated, with quick and extremely sensitive minds that are easily thrown off balance and overwhelmed.
Excess Air
Overactive, restless, sensitive minds and nervous exhaustion plague air signs, as does dry skin, hair and mucus membranes, insomnia and memory loss from systemic overload. Excess air benefits from scheduled windows of quiet, with minimal stimulation, to allow the nervous system to recharge itself.
Take | lightly steamed vegetables, nuts, croutons. |
Avoid | Raw foods ,Grains, root crops, yeasty foods, refined sugar. |
Remedy | enzymes which help in proper absorption of nutrients. |
Low Air
When the air element is low, there is difficulty with the flow of energy through the body. A weakened nervous system benefits from mineral supports such as calcium and magnesium, and circulatory stimulants. Eat plenty of raw foods, vegetable juices and sprouted seeds. Oats in any form—oatmeal, oatstraw tea or oat tincture, are tonifying to a weak nervous sytem without being sedating.
Take | Ginkgo, cayenne, garlic, ginger, yogurt, kefir. |
Remedy | dandelion root or angostura bitters . |
Water signs: Cancer / Scorpio / Pisces
The water element rules the reproductive and lymphatic systems and body liquids—including blood, mucus and lymph. Water lubricates, flushes and cools the body. Water signs are exceptionally sensitive to their environment, particularly to fungi, bacteria and viruses.
Health issues for water signs generally have a strong emotional component. Water sign people easily pick up negativity from others. They tend to brood on their health and imagine problems to be greater than they are. Their health problems tend to recur in cycles.
Excess Water
These people tend toward sluggish digestion, poor assimilation and slow metabolism. Stagnant excess water may manifest as mucus, cysts, tumors and swellings, as well as systemic candida. Excess water can manifest as weight problems. It is seldom helpful to decrease dietary intake alone. Better results come from increasing the metabolic rate, decreasing the liquid intake, changing the diet and increasing physical activity.Excess Water is balanced by foods that are hot, dry and light.
Take | steamed vegetables, beans, fruits. |
Avoid | oily foods, diary, sweets, yeasty foods, breads and salt. |
Remedy | sage, basil and thyme, Diuretics such as parsley, uva ursi and juniper berries, Chapparal, garlic and olive leaf |
Low Water
Low Water constitutions have trouble flushing toxins from their systems, and lack lubrication to their systems. They tend to be stiff and dehydrated and have difficulty sleeping. They suffer from conditions similar to excess air, such as skin and hair dryness and difficult absorption of nutrients. They find it hard to accept emotional nourishment. Take baths, drink plenty of liquids, and live near water.Melons, cucumbers and other moist and fleshy vegetables help balance this constitution Don't fast, take care with extreme exposure to heat or sunlight and take extra salt with exertion or warm weather.
Take | wheat, rice, oats, seaweed, dairy products and natural sugars . |
Avoid | beans and natural diuretics such as carrots, celery, cabbage and asparagus |
Remedy | licorice sweetened with honey, Fruit juices |
Earth Constitution :Taurus / Virgo / Capricorn
The earth element rules the skeletal and eliminatory systems. The earth element is essential for growth, reproduction and repair of tissue. Earth signs tend toward weight problems, tumor growth or glandular disorder. Overeating and a diet of heavy foods create excess earth, which is aggravated by lack of exercise and sedentary habits. They often have beautiful strong teeth.
The earth signs have strong sense impressions and thrive on contact with the earth. Theirs is a strength of endurance and persistence. They are more resistant to transient colds and flu than fire or air signs.
Excess Earth
Excess earth is prone to heaviness in the body and sluggishness in the system, and the struggle to overcome inertia. Their digestion and metabolism are slow, increasing density of body tissue—i.e. thick skin, sclerosis, calcium deposits, tumors and increased body hair.
Take | fruit- salads, sprouts ,steamed vegetables with spices added, juices, soups and teas . |
Avoid | heavier diets |
Remedy | bitter tonics such as gentian or Swedish bitters, hot spices such as ginger, black pepper and cayenne |
Low Earth
Low earth needs grounding. These people tend to ignore their bodies and are not instinctive about what they need. They need routines that stabilize them and give a sense of security. They need more sleep than other elements, and benefit from physical contact with the earth.
Take | meat, potatoes, unrefined grains, root crops ,dairy,vegetables steamed , cheese, butter,sugar and oil . |
Avoid | fruits and raw foods |
Remedy | demulcents such as licorice and slippery elm, seaweed and minerals, Ginseng, astragalus, ahashwaganda. |
What Started Me Thinking?
I came across this phrases by some eminent personalities :1. "Whoever is happy will make others happy, too."by Mark Twain.
2.“It is easy to be heavy: hard to be light.” by G. K. Chesterton
How often do people smile? is it soo hard to smile?
A smile from a stranger, smile from someone dear,someone from you love,someone who matters,someone you want to approach....
A smile really does brighten your day and is often the only thing you need to start a conversation with a stranger.
It is rare to smile at someone and not receive one in return :]
one never knows when that perfect stranger may be on their last leg, when someone just got some horrible news, a tragic diagnosis, or lost a loved one. Our smiles can be the beginning of something better for them...a reminder that there are people out there that care, who notice them.
Smiling is contagious...really, it is. I challenge you to do an experiment and see if when you smile at someone who doesn't and how they react.
Of course, there will be times when people do not respond....on those occasions, I usually make a comment like: "tough day, eh?" That usually gives way to a genuine response...in which case, I listen.
So, smile....it really does work wonders!
I, one day got two of the best compliments and that was because I made a conscious effort to smile while I was walking down the street. Someone cried out from across the road "nice smile". half an hour later I walked into a store and the man behind the counter said, "I love your smile." Needless to say I still remember those times and try to stay smiling. It changes your outlook and your mood, obviously it changes other people's also.
I was running errands the other day and while zooming off on my scooty, I usually detest, I realized I was thinking of something that was making me smile. I then realized that as I rode, I let more people in, got less uptight if I was cut off, the entire trip/chore was nicer. I vowed to remember that and to leave the house with a nice thought in my head and smile on my face. :-)
I love the term, *random smiling*!
Facial expressions don’t merely reflect emotions, they also affect emotions. In “facial feedback,” studies show, the mere act of smiling makes people happier—even when they smile mechanically, as I’m doing, or when they’re asked not to “smile” but rather to contract specific facial muscles.
Random smiling is an example of my resolution to “Act as I want to feel”: while people suppose that feelings inspire actions, in fact, actions also inspire feelings. So by acting happier, I should feel happier. And you know, I think I do. “Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile.
Also, because of emotional contagion, people often mimic the faces of people they see. I’ve definitely noticed that people are much more likely to smile at me when I’m smiling.
The biggest challenge is to remember to do it. I’m reminded of my various efforts to improve my posture. I’m good for a little while, then get distracted and don’t think about it for the rest of the day.Smile and the world will smile with you, an old saying, but so true!!!