03 May 2009

few musings, few pictures, few words-

Some of the best music was composed by Beethoven, he was deaf;

Some of the best poetry about nature was written by Milton, he was blind;

One of the greatest leaders was Franklin Roosevelt, he served from a wheel chair.

Turn scars into stars........................

Possible is inside the imPOSSIBLE

My favourite and one which i completely believe in : "Someday you'll understand what it's like to cry and how much it hurts inside.Someday you'll Love me,someday you'll care..... someday I won't be there ............"
"We all cant be captains,some have to be crew,There is something for all of us. So if you cant be a highway,then be a great trail.If you cant be a Sun be a star. it isnt by size that you win or fail,The difference lies in just being the best where ever you are "
"We have not passed that subtle line between childhood and adulthood until...we have stopped saying 'It got lost,'and 'I lost it' "
"sometimes you just need a shoulder to cry on"
"Everyone needs someone with whom to share their secrets with"

With me, i have always wanted some one with whom, if I share a secret it should remain a secret,should be as good as keeping it with me. Still waiting for that one..
"If you believe you can ; you probably can.If you believe you won't you most assuredly won't.Belief is the ignition switch that gets you off the launching"
"Normal is getting dressed in clothes that you buy for work and driving through the traffic in a car you are still paying for in order to get to the job you need, to pay for the clothes and the car and the house you leave vacant all day so that you can afford to live in it"

The Rat Race :
Seems like this is what life is all about..Later in life we realize that there is more to it. Take time to smell the roses and enjoy family and friends and be the best person you can..It will be worth it in the end...
"I'm frustrated because I can't tell you its real,mad because I don't know how you feel,upset because we can''t make things right,I'm sad because I need you day and night,I'm angry because you wont take my hand.crying because YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND,Hurt because we are not together,but i'll still love you forever... "

" Too often we underestimate the power of a touch,a smile,a kind word,a listening ear,an honest compliment,or the smallest act of caring,all which have the potential to turn life around "

"Somethings are better expressed in silence ; as a smile holds more value meaning than words, I was asked if i enjoy having you in my life I SMILED"


.Conveys so much..so much of a responsibility on the shoulders of the female?? Does only changing surname give you the whole and sole of carrying the legacy of the whole family or is more of the bonding and the love she gets from the family that makes her responsible enough to carry the whole and sole of the family ? This is one of the reasons why couples in India and neighboring countries want to have male kids so that some one from another family would carry the name of the so called family hence increasing the number with their family names.. I find no reason for a women to change her surname after marriage. Adding a surname doesn't strengthen any bond or doesn't increase respect according to me. Also , when its about a couple both share the life ahead. If its about expressing the ,marriage then both should add each others surname with theirs... Every girl is equally proud to be a part of her maternal family as guys are...For a girl, her surname is her identity. Its very difficult to let go of that identity after marriage.Your husband walks into your life when you are around 25 years old, when you have already liad the foundation of your life, forged your own identity, earned your financial independence and self-esteem. Why should you be identified by someone else? Are women transferable properties, who will be transferred from the father to the husband by changing the surname?If changing surname means respecting the partner,Why is there a double standard? Does it mean that a man doesn't show respect to the person he marries by keeping his parents' surname and not adopting his wife's? A wife is an equal partner in this day and age and should be given options.It is an unnecessary legal hassle. Too many documents to be changed or legally okay ed. End of the day the person remains the same. So what is in a surname? Unfortunately, the chauvinistic Indian man feels that by changing the wives name she will in a way belong to him. The choice of retaining her maiden surname shouldn't it belong to the lady concerned? Does the identity of a married woman lie only in her surname? The only practical solution is to keep the maiden name as a middle name and compromise. So gals ... its your call.I have changed the surname, but i strongly believe that it should be a lady's choice whether she would like to continue her maiden surname or pick up her husbands surname. No one has right to interfere in the same.


I somewhere read this poll: does a woman look more beautiful with a bindi on her fore head?
I would say undoubtedly a big "YES" with my head nodding agreeably.

Well there is a fun part too.While we were at Hyderabad we saw most girls with tight jeans and spagetti tops with a big bindi on their forehead.Is it a style statement..i laughed inwardly looking at them but then it wasnt one or 2 girls but it is something that doesnt go with my idea of fashion.All said and done I do love bindis but mostly on sarees and churidaars.

Hindus attach great importance to this ornamental mark on the forehead between the two eyebrows -- a spot considered a major nerve point in human body since ancient times।

The bindi is arguably the most visually fascinating of all forms of body decoration.

The Red Dot :
It is the prerogative of the married woman in India. A red dot on the forehead is an auspicious sign of marriage and guarantees the social status and sanctity of the institution of marriage. The Indian bride steps over the threshold of her husband's home, bedecked in glittering apparels and ornaments, dazzling the red bindi on her forehead that is believed to usher in prosperity, and grants her a place as the guardian of the family's welfare and progeny

A Hot Spot! : The area between the eyebrows, the sixth chakra known as the 'agna' meaning 'command', is the seat of concealed wisdom. It is the centre point wherein all experience is gathered in total concentration. According to the tantric cult, when during meditation the latent energy ('kundalini') rises from the base of the spine towards the head, this 'agna' is the probable outlet for this potent energy. The red 'kumkum' between the eyebrows is said to retain energy in the human body and control the various levels of concentration. It is also the central point of the base of the creation itself — symbolizing auspiciousness and good fortune.

More on science of Bindi : The term is derived from bindu, the Sanskrit word for a dot or a point. It is usually a red dot made with vermilion (finely powdered bright red mercuric sulphide). Considered a blessed symbol of Uma or Parvati the goddess,wife of lord Shiva, a bindi signifies female energy (shakti) and is believed to protect women and their husbands. Traditionally a symbol of marriage (hence the widows did not wear vermilion), it has now become a decorative item and is worn today by unmarried girls and women of other religions as well. No longer restricted in color or shape, bindis today are seen in many colors and designs and are manufactured with self-adhesives and felt.

just an after thought : though I dont understand the
consanguine as to why widows were stopped from applying the vermillion.why dont people just think out of the bracket ? अरे, girls apply vermillion from their birth isnt it their right? how can someone stop widows from applying vermillion? trust me its still prevelant in most part of the country Foolish people foolish followings and foolish prepositions !