16 January 2012

Who or What Comes First?

Ask these questions to yourself..

What comes first to you Love or Ego?
Ask this question when you are in  love with someone and both the partners wait for the other one to express it.

What comes first: Respect or Ego?
Ask this to yourself when you get into tiff with someone,whom you respect the most.

What comes first:Misinterpretation,sour remembrance of those fueds of the past or Love?
Ask this to yourself when you are on verge of breaking a relationship coz you gave importance to those misinterpretations.

In short,I would like to say...

Either it's Ego,Misinterpretation or the Old feud's.
these do not stand anywhere...

If  given importance they will snatch one of the most important person whom you Love/Respect or Love and Respect.
In all scenario's only one thing should win...              
Love & Respect
And it's entirely up to you what you allow to win...