12 May 2012

Technology !

We, the Millennials or the Facebook Generation are the proud witnesses of various emerging trends in almost all the industries around. I often sit back and think of the days when my grandma used to go shoppping, she used to have a list of things she had to purchase and had fixed shops to buy stuff from,  and if things weren’t at stock at those shops, she would either choose to get them the next month if that’s something not very urgent or the shop owner would send them home on a later day. Clearly, she was a very loyal customer, had a lot of patience and had limited options. What has changed now?
Its us- the customers. We are more savvy, want things at the earliest, at our convenience and the best fit economically. Today, everyone is talking about customer behaviors, customer loyalty programs, customer relationship. Everyone wants satisfied customers and retailers work to improve their customers’ confidence. This competive world is becoming better each day. Giving us the ease of access and options we wouldn’t have ever imagined.
We would have Virtual Shopping Stores shortly, infact Korea already has a virtual shopping complex(Saw it on TV few days ago), where we can choose the items using an LCD and collect them as we reach the counter. Isn’t this amazing. Not even two decades and such a difference. Where are we heading from here and what is the next generation going to witness?
Let us not stop our wants and desires and, things would keep on becoming better.
Its fruitful to be demanding!!!