A seemingly normal and affluent family of four in Mumbai, India. The 21 year old daughter, a silent sufferer for over 10 years, decided to bring the truth to light, when her 15 year old sister was in danger of meeting a similar fate.
The superstitious parents under the influence of an astrologer, had been sexually abusing the girl, all in the hope of becoming richer!
This news was followed by news of charges of sexual exploitation of six physically challenged girls, by the teaching staff, of a rehabilitation centre for the deaf, dumb and mentally challenged, being run by an NGO in Shimla.
I don't know what to say on the above. I feel selfishly thankful, that my own childhood had been a safe one. That I went to bed secure and feared only the darkness and the unknown. That there was no monster in flesh and blood, lurking in the shadows, waiting to pounce on me while the world looked the other way.
I don't even feel like preaching. I don't want to remember the lyrics of the song Heal the World by Michael Jackson.
After all what is the use of saying things that only a certain section of us believe in, while the perpetrators of crime continue, unabashed and unchecked.