05 February 2012

Weenah's- Have a Heart!

Winners develop intimacies to be more effective in giving service to the bigger society.

Here’s the list to refresh you of your top 3 choices and your 1 statement to live by.

1. Be true to yourself and your principles. No humility, no lasting beauty.
2. Mean it when you give. People readily smell it when it’s phony.
3. Know when to punch. Real power is strength under control.
4. Believe in people. Deep inside we dream the same dreams.
5. Be ready with your smile. It disarms an enemy and assures a friend.
6. Give something back. Unless you don’t want people to take you seriously.
7. Anchor yourself in the Almighty. He makes all things beautiful, really.
8. Package your generosity in big boxes and small sachets. Caring opportunities come without load limits, no schedules.
9. Be a good person even when no one is around. Outside beauty is for billboards. They tear with the windy storms.
10. Have fun. It is life’s only reason to come back for more.

Which of the statements have you committed to focus to HAVE A HEART?