Some of the best music was composed by Beethoven, he was deaf;
Some of the best poetry about nature was written by Milton, he was blind;
One of the greatest leaders was Franklin Roosevelt, he served from a wheel chair.
Turn scars into stars........................
Possible is inside the imPOSSIBLE
My favourite and one which i completely believe in : "Someday you'll understand what it's like to cry and how much it hurts inside.Someday you'll Love me,someday you'll care..... someday I won't be there ............"
"We all cant be captains,some have to be crew,There is something for all of us. So if you cant be a highway,then be a great trail.If you cant be a Sun be a star. it isnt by size that you win or fail,The difference lies in just being the best where ever you are "
"We have not passed that subtle line between childhood and adulthood until...we have stopped saying 'It got lost,'and 'I lost it' "
"sometimes you just need a shoulder to cry on"
"Everyone needs someone with whom to share their secrets with"
With me, i have always wanted some one with whom, if I share a secret it should remain a secret,should be as good as keeping it with me. Still waiting for that one..
"If you believe you can ; you probably can.If you believe you won't you most assuredly won't.Belief is the ignition switch that gets you off the launching"
"Normal is getting dressed in clothes that you buy for work and driving through the traffic in a car you are still paying for in order to get to the job you need, to pay for the clothes and the car and the house you leave vacant all day so that you can afford to live in it"
The Rat Race :
Seems like this is what life is all about..Later in life we realize that there is more to it. Take time to smell the roses and enjoy family and friends and be the best person you can..It will be worth it in the end...
"I'm frustrated because I can't tell you its real,mad because I don't know how you feel,upset because we can''t make things right,I'm sad because I need you day and night,I'm angry because you wont take my hand.crying because YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND,Hurt because we are not together,but i'll still love you forever... "
" Too often we underestimate the power of a touch,a smile,a kind word,a listening ear,an honest compliment,or the smallest act of caring,all which have the potential to turn life around "
"Somethings are better expressed in silence ; as a smile holds more value meaning than words, I was asked if i enjoy having you in my life I SMILED"
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