The weather being all gloomy and drizzly in this hot hot summer brings myriad thoughts onto my mind.There seems to be a formation of rainbow.Its soo wonderful when i come to think of the Rainbow. I started reflecting on what a rainbow is, and how I, as well as everyone else,
seem to get so happy when they see one. When we witness the emergence of such sparkling and
magnificent colors, in the sky, it seems like pure magic. It causes us to look upwards into the heavens,
and for a few moments, you are lost in the beauty. All your cares seem to melt away, and you feel uplifted,
and refreshed, and I believe the child in us all, starts clapping, and jumping up and down, from sheer delight.
as some one quoted :
" I see rainbows, i see tomorrow,
I see us sending rainbow love.
I see rainbows, i see tomorrow,
I see us sending rainbow thoughts "
I have always loved the ethereal beauty of rainbows, and I’ve always loved associating them with God’s promise.I remember as a student of convent we were thought rainbow is a way of god's promise.
dividing line between the grey skies and the brighter sky, I realized that God’s promises are often the dividing line between hope and despair in the storms of life. Whether a sudden squall of disaster assails us or a slow-brewing storm erupts over us, only the solid, unmoving, unchangeable promises of God keep up anchored.
And so, in parting, I wish you, many glorious rainbows, as you walk this earth, and live each day. And if your heart sings, in a new way, when you see one, maybe it's because it is reminding you, of yourself.
seem to get so happy when they see one. When we witness the emergence of such sparkling and
magnificent colors, in the sky, it seems like pure magic. It causes us to look upwards into the heavens,
and for a few moments, you are lost in the beauty. All your cares seem to melt away, and you feel uplifted,
and refreshed, and I believe the child in us all, starts clapping, and jumping up and down, from sheer delight.
as some one quoted :
" I see rainbows, i see tomorrow,
I see us sending rainbow love.
I see rainbows, i see tomorrow,
I see us sending rainbow thoughts "
I have always loved the ethereal beauty of rainbows, and I’ve always loved associating them with God’s promise.I remember as a student of convent we were thought rainbow is a way of god's promise.
dividing line between the grey skies and the brighter sky, I realized that God’s promises are often the dividing line between hope and despair in the storms of life. Whether a sudden squall of disaster assails us or a slow-brewing storm erupts over us, only the solid, unmoving, unchangeable promises of God keep up anchored.
And so, in parting, I wish you, many glorious rainbows, as you walk this earth, and live each day. And if your heart sings, in a new way, when you see one, maybe it's because it is reminding you, of yourself.
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