14 June 2009

Hamlet in Indian Men

To be or not to be? – A question made Hamlet a tragic hero.
However in real life it is not so. But that is fiction. Facts are never this kind.
To be undecided is not going to make you a martyr.
Why then do we have a narcissistic tendency to procrastinate?
Why do we have cats on the fence, when they could be better off it?

“One of the key reasons for being indecisive”, “is fear of responsibility.”
When you decide then you have to face the consequences.
It is this fear that makes most men avoid taking decisions.
Ironically, men can be great achievers in the professional front, but become withdrawn in the personal side.
This could also be attributed to the mental make-up of men, agrees many psychologists.
Unlike women who prefer to thrash the issue and talk about it ,
why is it that men prefer to internalize things and this `retreat into the cave attitude’
makes them stall rather than go for it.

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