18 January 2010

2 most important things !

After Shankranthi I met a relative of our's whom myself and Amit both admire and look upto.He is a very down to earth person (I refrain from naming him-for obvious reasons) highly qualified,He coaches IAS students and is a scientist too.

while talking to him the other day he told me a story which somehow left an impression on my mind so here it goes-

Once upon a time there was a head of a village too rich and very respectable in society.He had a beautiful daughter for whom he was looking out for a groom.It is said in our scriptures there ought to be 62 gunas(essentials) for a person to get into the wedlock, there is a middle man who brings a proposal after lot of shortlisting and tells the head of the village that it was too difficult for him to look for a groom with 62 gunas still he managed to find one with 60 gunas and asked if it would be acceptable to the head.He also adds if you delay your daughter would lose out on her age and beauty.The head hesitantly agrees and asks what are the 2 gunas which he thinks are missing in the prospective groom,now the middleman is scared and says 1* he doesn't have a listening ear 2*he does things that he feels and pleases him and things that hold good to him

Then the head says i'm fine even if my daughter is unmarried all her life but the most important thing for a man are these 2 qualities and I shall not negotiate with these two qualities.It is these 2 qualities if missing the rest 60 are of no use and that he would not like to compensate with it.

So for any human its these 2 things that matter a lot to make him a good human.

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