30 September 2012

Choose Happiness: Love Is Not A Pie

When you give love to a person, it does not diminish the love you have left to give to others.  In fact, the more you love another, the greater the love you may have for a greater number of people.  For love ensues love.  In essence, the more you love the greater your ‘love pie’ grows!!

As an example, for those parents with children, they do not love their first child less when the second child was born.  Or if you only have one child, your love for your husband, family or friends did not diminish with the birth of your child.  Love is boundless.

There are things in our lives which are like a pie – money and time, for example.  Time is limited to the number of hours in a day being set for all.  No one gets any more or less.  A brilliant observation made by a woman is that women tend to associate attention with love.  Since attention can only be given with the time we have, therein lays the problem with men as we try to understand a woman’s need for time.  Being aware of the other gender’s perceptions is better than half the battle to a good relationship.

The Beatles got it partly right.  Love is not all we need, but it is certainly a significant factor in increasing our happiness and helping us to make others happy.

Stay happy my friends!

1 comment:

  1. Oh...Love is in the airrrrr.....hhmmmmmmmmm...it smells goooood...too! :)
    btw u said time is like pie...hmmm...I think time is God and tops all...so if we agree that love is unbound (in amount) then time must also...I mean death is just a name give to a "period" to physical mombo-jombo! A person never dies...if they live in the memory of their loved ones! Totally Timeless....
    hhhmmmmmmm Love is in the airrrr.... :-)
