27 January 2012

Weenah's -Maintain Balance !

Winners attend adequately to all areas of their lives, defining success is truly for them.

Here’s the list to refresh you of your top 3 choices and your 1 statement to live by.

1. Seize the opportunities, but take time to savor each passing moment.
2. Real men run full steam ahead, but never make a rush.
3. Slow down if you need to, but not to a full stop.
4. Happy people attend to all areas of their lives, aware that emptiness in one will bring down the entire ecosystem.
5. Go for your dreams, but learn to lower down your expectations.
6. Successful individuals focus on their strengths, but clinging to one single specialization will spell your failure.
7. Remember that you have the right to your achievements, but do not forget the value of spontaneity, the joys of serendipity.
8. Be passionate with your life, and forgiving of your neighbor.
9. Strong persons never confuse equilibrium for inaction; dynamic tension is the key to inner peace.
10. Be gracious; allow things to happen. But stay in control.

Which of the statements have you committed to focus to MAINTAIN BALANCE?