05 April 2012

Mr.Odour Feet ! :P

Few years ago when I was quite young and my cousin's family was also home, we were playing. A salesman knocked the door and pestered parents to buy stuff from him...we as kids were curious to know what it is so we sneaked into the house and the usually fragrant home(because of mom's perfumeries) had a stinking odour. we kept on murmuring as to what it was and the elders asked us kids to keep silence, and as soon as the sales person left we kids named him "Mr. stinky shoe". After a couple of days he again visited our house and me and my cousin ran home to warn parents about the odour.. :P & we shouted on top of our voice calling out his new name given by ahem! Us, we were also murmuring as to why he doesn't sell washing powder instead & be a customer himself.. He heard it and instantly he knew we were addressing him :P Parents probably felt embarrassed and bought his stuff to cover up. while leaving he smiled at us- the sheepy looking kids and said 'the next time I shall bring washing powder' :-) All elders looked at us and asked us if we learnt our lesson :P till date when ever we cousins meet we remember Mr.Stinky Shoe :-)