06 November 2011

My tooth-Dreams of becoming a Dentist

Once, when I was young and had a loose tooth, I asked my father,to look at it.
“It needs to be pulled,” he told me. I frowned, dreading the experience. My dad sent me for some tissues and I envisioned them soaking up liters of blood from my mouth. I closed my eyes and braced myself. I was still waiting for him to pull when I heard my father say, “I’m done.” I opened my eyes and saw my tooth in his tissue-covered hand. I hadn’t felt anything, and there was just a bit of blood on the tissues. I thought my father was a magician.The best part was i was told to bury it in mud.I always enjoyed soil and playing with it.wow ! i smelled my mud soaked hands.felt that was such a wonderful day since i wasn't stopped from playing in the mud as my tooth was uprooted and i was to be stopped from crying- now what better way did my mom have than allow me to play with the wet soil.I am hoping if i ever dug that place I would still find my tiny tooth there or has it grown into a tree ! haha
The next day at school I bragged to a friend about my father’s remarkable feat.
When I explained that the process hadn’t hurt, my friend called me a liar.
He said that when his tooth was pulled, it had hurt a lot. I talked to my father about this and there was not a single
mystery left after my father’s explanation: my tooth had been ready to be extracted, while my friend’s had not.

“I’m going to be a dentist,” I declared. I wanted to follow in the professional footsteps of my father-hehe no hes not a dentist, my uncle-a dentist. My father supported my ambition, honoring my interest in this profession even when I was young.

Didn’t need to visit any dentist's office as a child. Lucky enough to not have any dental issues until now. I didn’t mind, though.
I was always amazed as a kid with the dentist's as they operated complicated machines and leaned over patients’ mouths with a tiny mirror strapped to their head.
Once, a dentist close to our place whom i used to frequently visit not for my tooth but generally,even let me suction the saliva from a patients mouth.Well the patient was a neighbouring aunt too,so she was cool with my crazy acts and enjoyed my naughtiness.
That was the first time I saw the inside of a human mouth close-up; I stared, mesmerized, at the structure of the aunt's mouth, teeth,paying close attention and dreaming that one day I would see the same image as a dentist.but ........the odour, made me feel giddy hence i dropped the idea of becoming a Dentist :P(juzzz kidding)

Years later, the dream of a child diminished. As time passed, I realized that hard work and effort are necessary to be a dentist, my ideas had changed. I thought of putting in hard work and efforts on becoming an IAS officer like my grand dad......Finally ending up questioning myself today as to what and where I stand?

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