20 May 2009


Sun signs are something that I have lost interest in lately.
A conversation through mails with my sis-in-law earlier this week made me realize
that I no longer take note of people's Zodiac signs.

I do not know whether that means that I have become less judgmental or not.
But I am spilling my thesis on the same here today, just in case!
Please bear in mind that I have something to say only on those signs that I have come across frequently in my daily life.

So here goes:

"Mirror mirror on the wall;
Who is the fairest of them all?
Who does all the work unasked and UN-thanked?
Who is dignified and standing tall?"

Yep. This is the seventh of the signs in the zodiac. I am tackling it the first because (ahem ahem) I am a Libra!

Yes. These people are vain vain vain and vain. But they are also mild mannered. They give the impression of having been a prince or a princess in a past life. They rarely abuse. Any kind of uncouthness disgusts them to the core.

If both your parents were Libras then you were raised in heaven. These people are not authoritative and will let you have your way if you tell them a story. Any story. They will believe you!

If one of your parent is a Libra and the other is a strong sign like a Scorpio or (god forbid) a Capricorn then I empathize!
These people have kids for the sake of their spouses (or so it seems) and they neither like to ruffle feathers nor do they like to rock the boat. So if the other parent decides that "sparing the rod will lead to a spoilt child" the Libra will support strongly and say "so be it"!!!

Aquarius Men:
They are calm on the surface. Aquarius men are status conscious. They keep this in mind while mingling and making contacts. While they may appear stuck up to some, they are definitely not stubborn. Their kids love them. They are always quick to make amends.

Aquarius Women:
are tattle tellers-of the highest order. Though friendly and not as stuck up as their male counterparts, their loud mouthiness and faux paus can get the better of them.

These gals generally marry well. Marriage often gives them a good social foothold. Which is just as well because they have a keen interest in other people's business to begin with!

are the good virtuous son that you never had!(If you do not have a Capri for a son that is!)
Although if you are a Piscean or a Gemini that has spoilt your Capri golden boy in his childhood, then I am sorry. Really sorry! What a waste! Tsk Tsk.....

Any-who, these people (sex no bar) believe in "my way or the highway"!
Which can come as a shocker because they can be very understanding and reasonable-one second. And stubborn, scornful and as mad a hateful hatter the very next second.

Alas! Do not blame the golden hearted Capricorn. It is not in his/her power to change. You see these people are terribly manipulative and pompous. They themsleves get manipulated just as easily. So it is all the case of being caught in a vicious circle.

These winter born's are perfectionists. They also have a great eye for detail. They are cleanliness freaks and terrible nags.

Capicornian women rule the roost. They usually have a very strong and close bond with their daughters. The Taurus-Capri marriage is the most common and it is strangely also common to see Capri women have a Scorpio for a daughter. Their husbands will not dare to dominate them even in their dreams!

are born flirts! No really. I have never gotten past this trait of the Sagi.

They also back bite. But have or rather build a very good public image. These people are ambitious and know what they want and also know exactly how to get what they want.

Are my star partner! And I have always attracted Scorpio's by the hordes. So I know for a fact that Scorpios and Libra get along.  Well...

There is more than one kind of Scorpios.
The ambitious type. These people are clever. They build contacts, talk softly, talk less and know exactly what their next move will be. They value you for exactly what you are worth. And believe me, they really know your worth!

These people are good friends.

If it is raining cats, dogs and monkeys and no one has come to your birthday party, it is because you do not have a type 2 Scorpio for a friend! These people will swim to you just because you are their friend and also because they know no body else will make it.

But hold your "Awwws".
Every Scorpio(type no bar) is suspicious and "hell hath no fury like a Scorpio scorned"!
They also sulk- an awful lot! They rage and they rant. And try to manipulate. But it becomes very obvious. So they need to take manipulation lessons from the Capricorn.

Thus Scorpio's are like a killer joy ride. "Liked by some, hated by____"!

I like these guys. Mostly.

They are all "bright eyed and bushy tailed". They are intelligent,disciplined and hard working. They are goal oriented. They can also be deceptive. But are generally well liked. They come across as just and fair.

They make good spouses and equally good parents. They also talk a lot of sense.

"I love everyone the same;
But have more concern for the needy and the hurt
I can be calm,
I can be helpful;
But don't take me for granted!"

So here's the skinny on us.
Do Not  Wake a sleeping Piscean, like ever! Especially if you are close to them or live with them. The closer you are the more you will be abused!

Other things I have noticed is that, as a rule, Pisces never get along with other Pisces. They also do not believe that "Blood is thicker than Water". They are observant and articulate. But they can also be very devious if the occasion calls. Sarcasm is their forte!

They usually have to be pushed to succeed and having an anchor in their parents, spouse and/or friends helps. They love beauty and moolah. They are also good at making people work-for them-for free!

These people are branded escapists by some. I feel that they are free spirited. They would probably be the first to dump and walk out of a relationship if they can "live comfortably" outside of it!

Oh and let me finish by adding that they make wonderful parents! They are always tuned into what others are feeling or thinking and this trait comes handy in parenting. The only thing they have to watch out for is spoiling their kids rotten. That is unless their partner is strict and/or takes on the role of disciplinarian.

The lion! Proud and friendly. Sunny. Does not like sharing. Does not like being crossed.

And I am talking or rather typing in monosyllables because that is all I have to say on these guys.

Oh yes. I would also like to add that they should make more Piscean friends.

This is another hard working Zodiac sign. They want to be just and fair. These guys can come across as goofy at times.

They are born with a strange fear in their heart. This holds them back from progressing and taking fresh risks. Overcoming this fear will help them soar to great heights.

I doubt their loyalty in a relationship. Though not flirtatious like a Gemini or a Sagi, the Cancer is not very expressive about their feelings. They also have the habit of seeking the opinion of others on their personal matters. Both these facts make me doubt their loyalty. Though I cannot be sure of this.

They are just all right as parents.


"I will steal your heart;
Because I fancy it so.
I will steal your dreams;
And then my vision will be yours.
I will haunt your thoughts;
With my words and my mirth.
But don't fall for me, my love;
I still have many places to go!"

Yes. These people are incorrigible flirts. They are also bundles of energy.
A never say die attitude and a keen roving eye mixed with a dash of the gift of the gab makes a delicious Gemini.

Need I add that these attributes also means that they are selfish? They will not go out of their way to help you. But then who does?

These people love to network and have loads of friends. They are good speakers. They can be manipulative.

They are good friends, if and as long as, your interests match. Just be sure that it is your interest to begin with and not something that they have gotten you interested in!

These people match the Pisces in spoiling their kids. No. Rather they top the Pisces in this regard. This is because they do not posses the Piscean insight and understanding.

But they make good spouses. Again, make sure that your interests match! Do not bore the Gemini. Keep them involved at all cost. God knows they have no dearth of a people pool to dip into in times of need!

I love these guys.
They are the true bull. They win by hard work and nothing else! They are seldom born with a silver spoon. Even then they will be self made (So are Capricorns)!

Taureans make great friends. They are known to be stubborn. But I have not faced this with them.

These guys are very easily influenced. This is probably their worst weakness. They tend to lose their identity in a relationship.

They make good parents, conditionally. This is because they are usually influenced by their spouses and will listen to them on matters relating to the kids.

And finally

NO COMMENT and Pass.

Sorry guys. In middle school someone had told me that these guys will cause me immense harm and heart ache. So I have never bothered much with them. And surprisingly (and thankfully) they haven't crossed my path much either!except ofcourse my hubby ;) that explains it all :P

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